Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I know, this is also my Home.

Welcome Home

Main Idea: Transition from high school to college

Time indeed flies so fast, but all the memories will surely last in a person's heart -- all the happiness, pain, hard work and sorrow.  I remembered everything as if it all just happened yesterday. Four years seemed like forty winks for me. No, even faster than one could ever imagine. Actually, in just a blink of an eye, everything changed. How I wish I could turn back time. How I wish I could spend every moment even longer. But I could not, I cannot. Everything was not the way it used to be. 

Oh high school, I really miss you so much. Everything's different in college. New faces, new environment; new voices of unfamiliar people laughing along the corridor. I missed the faces I used to see everyday, the loud sound of voices that fills my ear, the happy people who play and giggle until they laugh and hardly breathe, the busy ones that always study to get the highest mark for the coming examination. I miss the part when I just glimpse on one corner of the classroom, and I can tell the whole identity and background of the person I see. I miss my home. The home which I met my "true friends until the end". I really wish I could bring back time to where I used to be.  It's really new in this place. All I can see are blank people who perhaps also feel what I feel. But I should not bury myself in the past. Instead, I should unravel these unfamiliar faces and discover the treasure within. Somehow, somewhere, I know this is also home. 

According to the lyrics of one of the song in High School Musical 3, "High school was not meant to last forever." Well. that I cannot agree. Yes, it may end on the fourth year, but it does not necessarily mean that it is not meant to remain in our hearts forever. The flame is still burning. The spirit of high school still not perishes. Yes indeed, high school is the best four years of my life. Though, no matter how hard it is to move on, be strong enough to let go of the past. Focus and head out to what lies ahead. Keep the flame fire burning. College is also a manifestation of high school; only bigger. But those people around me who I used to be unfamiliar, one day they'll be strangers no more. Everything will sound like high school again. There will come a time that no one else will become awkward. It will be comfortable and very warm, the way things turn out to be. College isn't so bad, There will come a time that everyone will graduate and become the persons they promise themselves to be. Although everything seems different, at the end it will also be my home. Once again, I will feel that I am part of a bigger but one family. Someday, I will say it in my heart that "I know, this is also my home" 


  1. the 1st part was nice but i think on the latter part, the ideas were not really arranged that it would focus on one point. the topic is nice and many people can relate to it. i just think that the some sentences are a bit redundant and can still be improved by paraphrasing them. :)

  2. The essay is substantial but it is redundant on the conclusion. :) You can improve your essay by organizing your thoughts and your points. :)

  3. I really liked the output and the way it is organized.
