Monday, June 25, 2012

Setting goals is like a ship set to sail to its destination.

“Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life.” -Dr. David M. Burns. Studying is not only acquiring knowledge but also opening one’s heart and mind to a particular field or subject. Studying is grasping things and living life. When one studies, one lives the unspoken word of the literal world. One of the key in studying is setting goals. Let’s say, for Englcom. Setting goals in Englcom is the initial step in studying the course. When one sets goal for this course, then one starts the studying process. Besides, setting goals in Englcom will serve as a checklist for students on the flow to follow and the guidelines to remember. Not only it is preparation for studying, but also a boundary line on how well a person has reached and set his goals. Setting goals in ENGLCOM aids students to be effective in widening knowledge, communication and comprehension in English. 

So why set goals in Englcom? Why not just go through the course not systematized and just be part of the flow like everybody? Setting goals in Englcom is not only a strategic way for me in studying. It is more on the foundation of discipline to be instilled in my skills and ability. Once I have a sturdy foundation, then I can achieve whatever I want to achieve. Setting goals in Englcom is an initial step for me so I can study diligently to become a “Dean’s Lister” here at De La Salle University.

Setting goals is easy once you know what goals to have an eye on. So, to be a Dean’s Lister one day, I have many goals set in mind. First, I want to develop a wider sense and understanding in English. Having a wider comprehension in English will be an asset in developing my goals since English is a major component in Englcom. Having a wider comprehension not only develops wider vocabulary, but also promoting communication with others. Next is to be an effective and convincing writer. When one is an effective writer, everything else follows. He will know how to socialize with other people and express his thoughts. Another goal I have in mind is to be an effective speaker and to develop self confidence. Being an effective speaker and developing self confidence are interdependent. I should be confident in order to be an effective speaker. Being an effective speaker entails application in learning the knowledge taught in Englcom. Gaining confidence builds me up to be an aspiring person. And lastly is to have good grades. Having good grades is the fruitful result of setting goals in Englcom plus studying. That’s the aim when one wants to be a Dean’s Lister.  

Having introduced my goals, there should be steps and processes in achieving these goals. I should study very hard and keep my eyes on the goal. Read, read and read! One learns to be effective if one applies it in daily life. Hence, read and read all the time.  This also enhances and widens vocabulary. I should have a good and balance time management. I should be systematic in time keeping to allow the fulfillment of my goals. I should be confident in class. When I am confident, everything else follows. I should be reciting everyday and be participative in class. I should change my bad habits and improve my old self because the only way to change and set new perspective is to change my own self.

Therefore, setting goals in englcom is an initial step in achieving one’s goals in this course. It is the key to success in a more systematic and more stabilized study habit. Set goals and keep one’s eyes on the goal. Having goals will help one reach his own destination or better yet, farther than anyone can sail. Set goals, and one will see that he can go beyond his limits! So, it is my uttermost gratitude to share this essay to all the readers so you can also achieve your own personal dreams as well through your goals. Remember, as what Fitzhugh Dodson said, "Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination."


  1. The introduction is a little messy since the repetition of certain phrases make the text repetitive. I do like the fact that your ideas are clearly stated but there seems to be a little difficulty in getting your main message across. Be careful of statements that seem to have a similar meaning with another statement. There's also a distinct personality in the way you write, which is great. You can definitely become better! :D Cheers~

  2. Your introduction is clear and starting with a quotation is good, but avoid being mixing up your ideas.The body is well-explained, and your ideas are organized. Your conclusion is motivating me to do well in my studies, probably one of the most profound conclusions ever!!

  3. Your essay is interesting to read - with good intro and conclusion. Every paragraph consists of a topic sentence with adequate details. You only have to provide a connecting phrase to link your hook and the background information. The shift of idea is sudden. Next, you need to be consistent with your point of view. Stick to the first person "I;" do not shift from "I" to :"you." Also, try to avoid repeating some words; use synonyms instead.
